Background is courtesy of Colin Moffett in Portglenone, No. Ireland.. This is his beautiful garden! Thank you, Colin!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


The delicate tiny teardrops
Rolling down a baby's cheeks
They were put there for a reason
To bring attention to it's needs.

The intricate web of a spider
So delicate and fine
To trap it's prey securely
Until the spider decides to dine

The dewdrops on the morning grass
Crystalized and still
The flapping of a birdling's wings
Amid the choir of Whipporwills

As I reflect on all He gave us
To look at and admire
How much more awaits us
In the Heavens, to which we aspire.

Gerti M. Blackwell
June 2012
All Rights Reserved


We have all gotten older
Wiser, not much
But we are all survivors
Boldly longing for His wisdom and touch

Losses may nearly break us
But we have to keep on
Striving to be His best
And in Faith to stay strong

What is, may be lacking
Rarely  happy or content
The only way to find peace
Is to accept the Gift that God sent

Keep our minds pure in thought
Focused only on Him
As our hearts fill with joy
May our eyes never dim

Thank Him daily for His presence
As our spirits lift, then bow
For what is, comes from Jesus
We must keep our hands firmly on the plow.

Gerti M. Blackwell
June  8, 2012
All Rights Reserved


Looking back at one's life is not always easy.  Especially when you have regrets and wish you had done things differently.  Reflecting can be very therapeutic, if you put it in the right perspective.  Our past has helped define who we are today.  We cannot place total responsibilities for our failures in life, on our parents, siblings, or friends and acquaintances.  We are all given choices, and like the fork in the road, we make a choice which direction we want to go. There is no way that we can know that our choice is the right one, until we have traveled along the road and experienced all it's curves, hills and valleys.  What we learn along the way and what we do with that knowledge, determines our character, integrity, strength and moral values.  We can change direction at any point on our journey, if we feel that we took the wrong road.  If we are too weak, we will stay on the same path.  God is the determining factor, I believe.  Our faith and trust in Him will guide us and hold us up, through a lot of trials and tribulations.